Dr Nitu Syed
School of Engineering

Dr Nitu Syed is Working as Research Assistant at RMIT University. She has completed her PhD in 2019 from the School of Engineering at RMIT. Nitu’s research involves exploring new chemistry of liquid metals as a pathway for low dimensional material synthesis with considerable focus in the area of micro-/nano-electronic devices. Nitu Syed was able to produce first author publications in some of the most reputed journals within the field including Nature Communications, Nature Electronics, Advanced Functional Materials and the Journal of American Chemical Society. She is also a co-author for more than 30 peer-reviewed articles in various prestigious journals.
She has received multiple awards including the RMIT Publication Award 2019 (Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering) and RMIT Award for research excellence (HDR) 2020. She has also been recognized by Engineer’s Australia as one of the Australia's Most Innovative 30 Engineers 2020 in Electronics and Communication category.
Nitu Syed is a mother of a beautiful daughter. Her success stems from the amazing women and men who are her role models, who motivated her to develop strong values and ethics. She wants to work hard to impart her knowledge to the next generation and interested in translating research to solving real-world challenges.
#Micro-/NanoEelectronicDevices #LiquidMetals #LowDimensionalMaterialSynthesis

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