Dr Wendell Cockshaw
School of Health and Biomedical Sciences

Wendell presently fulfils a role as Research Design and Statistics Advisor for the School of Health and Biomedical Science at RMIT, where he also lectures in Environmental Psychology and Psychopathology. He has broad multi-disciplinary experience having worked with a several research centres in Brisbane including the Institute for Health and Biomedical Innovation (QUT), the Centre for Children’s Health Research (Queensland Children’s Hospital), the Translational Research Institute (Princess Alexandra Hospital) and the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety Queensland. He has tertiary qualifications in both Psychology, Electronic Engineering and Business. His research interests include measurement and psychometrics in health and psychology, and the application of a systems approach to mental illness. He has developed a social-cognitive interpersonal process model of depression aetiology with unprecedented explanatory power. Previous highlights include sensor interfacing and signal processing for avionics, marine science and the mining industry.

Recent Projects